Big Sky Lullaby has proudly been featured on the Latched Mama podcast! Listen to the full episode below.
How to Avoid Short Naps and Create a “Happy Napper”
How to Avoid Short Naps Q: What length of time is considered a “short nap?” A: Any period of day sleep, lasting less than 60 minutes. Just about every time I read an intake form, parents report that their child consistently takes naps that last exactly for 20, 30 or 45 minutes. I refer to these as “short naps” (which …
Understanding Sleep Regressions
As a parent of an infant or toddler, it is important to learn about sleep regressions; what they really mean and the common misconceptions surrounding them. When we begin research on how to get our baby’s to sleep well, we repeatedly run into articles and posts that use the word “regression.” As a result, I have watched parents obsess over …
Nap Transitions
Nap transitions can be frustrating. It seems like once we get our child on a solid schedule, there is a need to change it. During the first year and a half of your baby’s life, there will be a few transitions, but once you get down to one nap (at 18 months) you won’t have to worry about them anymore! …
The Comprehensive Bedtime Guide
Use this comprehensive bedtime guide to ensure your child is getting the best nights sleep possible. A child’s bedtime is a significant part of their daily schedule. If the timing is off, it will influence the rest of the 24 hours. Bedtime is when your child will naturally produce the most melatonin, which makes it easier for them to fall …
Creating a Successful Baby Sleep Schedule
Timing is key when working on a baby sleep schedule. It’s important to make sure to find a balance between not enough awake time and too much. This is referred to as sleep pressure. If your child is taking a short nap and waking up happy, it is likely that the amount of sleep pressure that they have built up …
Why is Sleep Training not working?
If you are searching for why is sleep training not working? Then you may concern about it. The sleep training process will have its highs and lows. The key is to learn from what isn’t working. Here are some common issues that I see parents run into during sleep training. Some Common Issues Why Sleep Training Not Working Stay consistent …
Make Sleep Training Methods That Work for You
When families reach out to me about sleep training there are always a lot of questions about the process. They can be apprehensive about what it all entails and if sleep training methods will actually work for them, but with some general guidelines sleep training can be successful for everyone. Pick sleep training methods that work for your family When …
Rise and Shine! Troubleshooting Early Morning Wake-Ups
The dreaded early morning wake-ups! Most parents have gone through it at some point. Unfortunately, there is no snooze button on that alarm. An unexplained early morning wake-up can be difficult to navigate through, but rest assured that with some adjustments you can get back on track. First, let’s define an “early morning waking.” The rule of thumb is anything …
Is your baby’s bad habit keeping you up at night?
One of the top reasons that families work with me is because their child is waking frequently at night. In most cases, I find that the child is fed each time to put them back to sleep, which is creating a baby’s bad habit of night wakings and/or short naps. I have seen this with children as young as four …